Blogs/NewsA girl performing adavus, a rhythmic movement of Bharatanatyam in a dance school in Illinois

What does “Adavu” mean in Bharatanatyam?

Adavu means “basic step” with a rhythmic movement of the pure dance in Bharatanatyam.


What are the “Adavu’s?

In Bharatanatyam there exsist two divisions of dance “pure dance” and “expressive dance.”
Pure dance focuses on technicality, musicality, precision, rhythm, form, posture, and integrity.

The foundation of pure dance is formulated from the “adavu’s.”
The adavu’s focuses on movement through the legs and hand gestures. There are 15 types of the adavau’s.


What are the 15 types of adavu’s?

o Tatta
o Natta
o Metta
o Paraval
o Kudhithumetta
o Mandi
o Sarikal
o Teermanam
o Paichal
o Kuthadavu
o Korvai
o Tai Ta Ha
o Tha Hatha Jam o Tari Tha
o Jatih


How do the adavau’s improve students dancing?

Students will train the adavu’s, aiming to improve speed, precision, endurance, and overall performance execution.The adavu’s are the foundation of the Bharatanatyam dance technique.


Can you skip learning the adavu’s?

All dedicated Bharatanatyam students must learn the adavu’s because they are the building block for all true Bharatanatyam based choreography. Skipping the adavu’s will comprise movement integrity and credibility in the dance community.


Who is qualified to teach the adavu’s?

Only gurus who have studied for 15+ years teach the adavu’s to pupils in the traditional context. Experienced gurus will guide a student to execute the highly proficient, technical, and expressive movement. Small intricate technical mistakes are not easily detected or corrected by non-guru instructors.


How long does it take to master the adavu’s?

While everyone is (and should be) lifelong learners, students are eligible to demonstrate their knowledge of the adavus at their arangetram ceremony. This usually happens after 7-10 years of training faithfully with a guru.


Want to learn more?

To discover more about Bharatanatyam and other forms of classical Indian art, please follow the Ishana Dance Academy on Facebook and Instagram for regular updates and information.

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